Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Little Of This And A Little Of That

Today was filled with a little of this and a little of that.  Here is a photo journey through some of our recent classroom hippity hoppenings. 

Our bunny bags turned out pretty dang cute.  The kids are excited to fill them up tomorrow with the jelly beans from jelly bean graphing AND the eggs from the sight word egg hunt.  

These cute books can be found in my Teachers Notebook and TPT store just click HERE!

Every year when the Farm Unit rolls around I melt for the story Mrs. Wishy-Washy.  I don't know who gets a bigger kick out of saying, "wishy-washy, wishy-washy"  me or the kids!?!?!  For the activity below students picked any animal they would like to bathe.  Wow, we had some pretty funny animals to wash in the bathtub, a giraffe, stingray, electric eel, even my cat LuLu was chosen to be thrown in the bath.  Mewowzers!  Students wrote the steps they would take to wash their animal.  (The How To Wash An Animal sheet is in my Farm Unit on TPT and Teacher's Notebook)  Once students were done writing their steps; I cut each step and staple the pages in order to the front of the bathtub.

Up close and personal.  Check out those little fingers holding on to the side of the tub.  Precious.

I took dictation for this little friend.  I think her idea is brilliant and quite necessary.  Does anyone else check their toilette before going to the bathroom to see if there is a snake or is it just me?  I saw some creepy Animal Planet clip of a snake getting loose and then coming up someone's plumbing system and I just about lost it!!!  Now I check every. single. time!  Luckily, this snake looks cute and non-threatening.

Peek-a-boo; I see you little beaver.

While I was typing this post, I looked at my little cute Easter decorations I have set up on my kitchen table.  I just had to snap a pic and share.  My little cottage may be small but there is always room for table decorations to spruce a place up.  Believe it or not most of these finds were from TJ Maxx HomeGoods (that store is lethal for a budget) and GOODWILL!  The Easter basket is for my honey bunny boyfriend... let's call him for blog purposes Mr. Wine Maker (yes, he is a wine maker, and yes, if you ever need tips on the perfect wine to pair with anything OR you need the ULTIMATE California Wine Country itinerary never hesitate to shoot me an email and I will consult with him!)  Anyways... we are in a long distance relationship, and I miss him greatly during the week. He is driving up tonight for my BIRTHDAY weekend.  Tomorrow he will head to kindergarten, KB classroom with me for kindy shenanigans.  Stay tuned.........


  1. I love your Miss Wishy Washy craftivity!

    Your poor kitty! =(

    Your bunny bags are so cute! Come check out the eggs we painted with corn syrup! =)

    Heather's Heart

    1. Yay Yay Yay! I am officially a follower of your blog! I couldn't figure out how to upload a picture but finally got it to work. Love the eggs I will have to try those next year for sure.

  2. Those bags are presh!! I need to pin them for next year :)
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

    1. Thank you! Thank goodness for Pinterest!!!! I love how I can see an idea, pin it, and it is saved in the technology world for later.

  3. Cute bags. Gonna do Mrs. Wishy Washy soon, so will have to add your activity to my list.

    1. Mrs. Wishy-Washy is such a fun book. If you end up doing the project let me know how it goes!

  4. Your bunny bags are so cute:) I did something very similar.
    Happy Easter!

    Grade ONEderful


Sheila Chako
Sprinkle Teaching Magic