Saturday, March 1, 2014

March Currently: Tony Bennett, Flock of Seagulls Hair, and Rainbow Rosemary?

Happy March and Pay Day everyone. Oh, the possibilities of a new month!  I love a fresh start.  Plus, March is Spring Break time. 2 more weeks and counting.  Then just a hop skip and jump away from summer vacation.  Time to link up with Farley from Oh Boy Fourth Grade for another installment of Currently.  

Listening:  Music does the soul good.  I forget.  Go through funks.  Then I realize if I just turned music on, I may feel happier.  When I get home from a long day of work, I usually put on my Tony Bennett Pandora station.  Sometimes I mix it up and need some B.I.G.  Once the music is on, my inclination to plop on the couch subsides.  I bustle around the house picking things up and putting the dishes away.  I sing along and my mood is uplifted. 

Loving: There. Are. No. Words. Enjoy.

Thinking: About how much I loved filming my latest teaching video.  (seen below)  March just screams RAINBOW month to me.  Now I am pondering what my next Teaching video should be about… Help me brainstorm ideas in the comments.  Have you subscribed to my teaching video channel?  I would love to have you stop by and visit.

Wanting: I caved.  I folded. I succumbed to the Erin Condren planner hypnosis.  All it took was one little look-sy over on her website.  Soon I was picking out colors, and covers, and had a Life Planner in my cart.  Not sorry. one. bit! My planner arrived this week, and I am wanting some time to start filling it in: my exercise plans, meal plans, and day to day goals.

Needing: Mr. Winemaker and I have recently become obsessed with Open Houses.  It all started when we were out on a walk and the smell of freshly baked cookies tempted us towards an open door.  Like Hansel and Gretel being led to the Witches lair we were soon chatting it up with Realtors and getting a tour of a million plus house.  We were hooked.  Cookies.  YES!  Cool houses.  Yes!  The House Hunting obsession grew when my mom subscribed to the local paper for us.  Did you know there is an Open House pull out section?!?!?!  Now our Sunday routine is munching our way through beautiful Open Houses.  We also love to discuss what we would want someday in our dream home.  My request is a pimped out bathroom.   Picture this.  A claw foot tub.  Diptyque candles.  Bubbles.  Wine. And ALLLLL the relaxes.   Needing This NOW!

??????- Rosemary????? Try guessing in the comments what Rosemary has to do with anything and everything and me!  Muahahahahahahahaha!  I love a good guessing game.


  1. I think I would probably not take as many naps if I just turned Pandora on. You might be on to something. How fun that you go to Open Houses. I am sure I would fall in love with every single home and want them all....cookies included. I've yet to buy the Erin Condren planner, but you almost have me convinced I need to. Is your question "What is Alison allergic to?" because the answer would be rosemary. It makes my whole body tingle if eaten., not the spice.
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  2. Oh, how fun!! My husband posted a picture of me for TBT and a friend said--My Flock of Seagulls. I know what you're talking about! Great video, and since I just found you, I will be spending my day reading and watching lots of you today. Happy weekend.

  3. I love the morning hair! I feel like I could compete in a crazy morning hair competition and win! :) I have heard so much about those planners...I definitely need to look into getting one!


  4. Love the morning hair and your new planner!!

  5. Flock of Seagulls... ha ha ha... laughed out loud and got a funny look from hubs... told him and he did the same...
    thanks for linking up

    1. Hahahaha! I love linking up and your comment brightened my Tuesday night. Glad I could give you both a good laugh! All in the name of crazy hair! Now if I asked my hair to pull this off for crazy hair day watch it fall flat!

  6. Love your blog design. The colors are so perfect and bright! Yay for being your newest follower. Drop by. =)

    Just Wild About Teaching

  7. March seem like a wonderful month for you. You had a lot of good things that happened, and there were still a few more to come. And I think the sudden house hunting was the most exciting part of it. Not only did it give you an idea on the kind of home features you want for your dream house, but it also kept you updated on the latest rates on the market. So when the right time comes for you to buy one, it will be a much easier experience overall. Good luck!

    Benny Daniel @ Finlay Brewer


Sheila Chako
Sprinkle Teaching Magic