My goal: create a go to resource for all labs, foldables, homework projects, supplemental worksheets, and more!
Seriously curriculum creators... Could ya please not make so many books?!?!?! The study guide book, the reteach book, lab book, ELL materials, transparency binder and more! These books scatter about, get lost year to year in classroom moves, and sit on back shelves collecting dust. I want a binder with all resources. Ain't nobody got time for this!
Old Mr. Houghton Mifflin.
Shiny new science curriculum binder!
Muahhahahahah...muahahahahaha...TABS! LOTS and LOTS of TABS. Tabs for chapters, tabs for lessons. You can never have too many shoes... PSHAW! I say you can never have too many tabs!
If you would like to see a detailed science binder tour check out the video below!
Head to my You Tube channel and see TPT product links I used. Subscribe to my channel! I try to put out weekly teaching videos!
I thought I would include a few of the documents mentioned in the video.
The document below I like to call my "chicken scratch computer notes." When I create something like this I don't expect anyone else to use it but me. There will be parts you may be going what?!?!?! I jot down quick notes in my own teacher language. I hope it's helpful for you. (let's see who can spot the typo in the first bullet point of the document. Fast and furious creating I tell you leads to TYPOS!)
In other news, my little kitty had a first birthday party! After much laughter and mocking from friends, Mr. Winemaker and I planned a kitty party. We took crazy cat owner status to the max. Hey, if you are going to do it go all out! Right? We looked online for a cat cake recipe. Here is a short little clip of the very PURR-fect (I know I need to stop!) birthday party.
(Just a paw to let you know...)
I hope you are having a great week! Next stop on the summer-teacher-planning-train: Math Interactive Notebooks! Wish me luck! Let me know in the comments any planning you are up to!
I LOVED this video and am inspired to create a science binder for my homeschool science plan. Great job!