Instead of my usual Saturday Sprinkles Linky Party Post, I am mixing it up this week!
Twitter is my next frontier! For years I have been confused and puzzled by Twitter. Just like any new social media, Twitter seems overwhelming, daunting, confusing, and I wonder---- where do I even start?!?!?! My boyfriend uses Twitter all the time. He is a hockey fan and during the hockey game people from around the United States will tweet about his favorite team and use the hashtag #nyr. He can search this hashtag and participate in a running conversation during the game. I love this idea! It hit me. Are teachers chatting on twitter? I started doing some research by seeking out teachers on Twitter. Almost every teacher I found has a "ghost town" of a twitter page. Yes, teachers are using Twitter. When a teacher posts a blog post, there will be a link to Twitter. Any Instagram pics or posts on Facebook are linked to Twitter with a generic post. I love the idea of spreading the content teachers create, but I wonder if it's working? Are other teachers listening? Or is it just a big push? Notice MMMMMEEEEE! I am guilty of pushing too. There is no conversation among colleagues; instead it's check out my post, check out my link. I posted a picture on Instagram and Facebook; check it out. The potential for collaboration and communication is missing. However, Twitter provides collaboration and communication opportunities for teachers.
Yes, teachers have embraced several media platforms, Instagram, Blogs, Pinterest and YouTube. Instagram for teachers is thriving. I LOVE Instagram! I have found a community of teachers and love seeing what is happening in their classrooms. I have also made wonderful teacher friends through Instagram even though we live miles and miles apart. The #widn (what am I doing now) tag is huge! Search #teachersfollowteachers or #teachertalktuesday and you will find a database of great instagram pictures posted by teachers. Teacher blogs are also thriving and a wonderful place to link up and share our classroom happenings. And of course who could forget Pinterest! Ideas galore all at the click of a button.
But what about conversations? Live conversations? Discussing educational topics? Getting together in real time to just chat? Maybe we should launch a Twitter chat?
This week I picked the Twitter topic Valentine's Day because February 14th is fast approaching.
On Sunday, February 9th at 12 PST/ 2 EST for 30 minutes all of us could virtually meet-up on Twitter. I see so many teacher meet-ups in other states that I wish I could attend but I live much too far away! Why not meet up virtually?!?!?! With the Valentine's Day topic we could share links to our Valentine's Freebies, ask each other questions about whether our school allows a celebration, and if so, what do we have planned, share ideas, crafts, read alouds, funny stories and much more!
Twitter Tutorial Available---- so no excuses!
Now there is one slight problem… what if you are new to Twitter, don't have a Twitter account, and not quite sure how to get started. NO PROBLEM! I will include info graphics and links below that will help you get started.
1. Go to and sign up for a free account.
Here is my iPhone's home screen. Yikes! I am so bad about deleting emails. The Twitter App is installed near the bottom of my phone.
The Wiki How To Use Twitter is the most straight forward and clear instruction guide I have seen. I am a visual learner and the pictures in this tutorial really helped me understand Twitter. Click
HERE to follow the guide.
Here is my Twitter page. I named it ShesparkleTV after my lifestyle YouTube channel and blog. I am still in the very beginning stages of Twitter. Hopefully you will join me so we can learn together.
On Sunday when we have our Virtual Teacher Meet-Up open up your Twitter App and search the hashtag #sprinkleteachingmagic This hashtag will help us all find one another! You can see I have searched for Lauren Conrad, my favorite YouTuber Tanya Burr and wine!
Today I searched for the hashtag #sprinkleteachingmagic and there are no tweets. That is because we have not started our Sunday Meet-Up and started using this hash tag!
My favorite Twitter personality is Blunt Educator! Once you sign up check out his twitter page.
Bellow are some of the amazing teachers I follow on Twitter!
*The following info graphic
is from THIS website. A great article by Joyce Valenza on how Twitter can be a valuable tool for teachers.
This slide show really breaks twitter down in manageable chunks of info!